Established Areas in 2024 – Testbed for Quantum Technology
As part of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation’s WACQT initiative, we are building a testbed for quantum technology.
Our services range from testing quantum components in cryogenic and ultra-high vacuum environments to developing quantum algorithms.
We support all aspects of modern quantum technology. Drawing from the cutting-edge research conducted at Chalmers University of Technology, we offer world-class solutions and services within the field of quantum technology.
Example Areas Under Investigation
We continuously explore potential areas of interest in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology and both private and public sector stakeholders to strengthen the link from research to innovation. Examples of such areas include:
Precision Health – Characterizing drug delivery transporters using mRNA.
Traffic Safety – Model-based development to enhance vehicle safety.
Power Electronics – Platform for research, education, and commercialization to strengthen innovation capacity and skills supply.
Energy and Environmental Technology – Verifying new technologies and creating concept demonstrations for further development.
AI – Using AI for specific applications and implementing support for utilization.
Urban Planning – Digital twins for model-based development and resource flow dimensioning.
Follow the development of Chalmers Next Labs, where research transforms into impactful innovation for society!